“Every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured” 

Development Matters in the EYFS 

Our ambition at Fairfield is to work in partnership with parents and carers to encourage our children to become independent, collaborative and happy learners. Historically, children have started at Fairfield below, and in some cases, significantly below in areas of development such as Literacy, Maths and Communication & Language. Therefore, we ensure that our children will be provided with an ambitious, broad and balanced curriculum that will enable each child to rapidly develop their knowledge and understanding in these key areas as well as their general understanding of the world. We acknowledge that the ability to learn is underpinned by the teaching of basic skills, knowledge, concepts and values and giving children sufficient opportunities to understand, demonstrate and retain them over time whilst following the children’s interests. In the EYFS, we aim to create an indoor and outdoor environment which supports their learning. We also strive to prepare children to reach the Early Learning Goals at the end of the Foundation Stage and ensure children make good progress from their starting points. At Fairfield we also work hard to ensure a smooth transition into KS1. 

EYFS Profile
Phonics in EYFS at Fairfield
EYFS Overview