Stage 1 – low –level eg chatting, shouting out, poor attitude General reminder of expected behaviour 1st verbal warning If the behaviour continues, restorative questions asked during break/lunch (or next day).
Stage 2 – continued low-level – 3 recorded incidents SLT informed (Senior Leadership Team) Restorative questions asked Miss extended break/lunchtime Move away from others in class if needed.
Stage 3 – no improvement / serious breach eg physical abuse, swearing, damage to property Sent straight to SLT or ask for SLT to attend Restorative questions asked by SLT Extended break missed or school-based community service carried out Individual Behaviour Plan (IBP) written if necessary
Stage 4 – continued breaches of school rules Sent to SLT or ask for SLT to attend Restorative questions asked by SLT Parents will be informed Individual Behaviour Plan written Behaviour risk assessment may be written
Stage 5 – Suspension - If behaviour has not improved despite targeted intervention or an incident is deemed to be very serious in the first instance
Stage 6 – Permanent Exclusions - If behaviour has not improved despite targeted intervention or an incident is deemed to be extremely serious in the first instance.