Fairfield is recognised as providing good provision for pupils with SEN or those who are more and very able across the curriculum. We have a strong team who work to ensure that all pupils’ needs are addressed.
We are proactive and aim to identify needs as soon as possible in order to target early intervention and support.
Our SENCo manages the SEN teaching assistants who are deployed throughout the school to provide additional support where needed. Some are attached to pupils with a statement or Education Health Care plan while others are used to target groups of pupils who require varying degrees of additional support. We work closely with outside agencies such as speech and language, autism outreach and sight and hearing impairment units to develop learning programmes and appropriate provision for our pupils.
We ensure all staff have appropriate training when necessary to implement support packages.
The school is committed to safeguarding and prompting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
Fairfield Community Primary School is a welcoming and inclusive mainstream setting. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all of our pupils, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), and ensure full curriculum entitlement and access. Our aims for children with SEND are the same as for all of our pupils but we understand that some children need adjustments and individualisation of the curriculum in order to help them meet these. We are committed to supporting the children and their families through the SEND journey and welcome parents to regular update meetings and to participate in open mornings.
At Fairfield Community Primary School, we focus on inclusive practice and removing barriers to learning. More information can be found in our SEND Policy and SEND Information Report which are both updated annually. These documents tell parents and other stakeholders all about our provision for children with SEND, including our three-staged process for identification, assessment and provision, in accordance with the 2014 Code of Practice. We also have an Accessibility Policy which outlines how we adapt our learning environment, provision and curriculum to meet individual needs of all learners. Symphony Learning Trust have also developed a Universal Offer detailing the provision and arrangements at all of the trust schools. On a wider scale, Leicestershire County Council also issue a Local Offer and have a short, subtitled film about the local offer. Leicestershire County Council have also launched a SEND Provision in Leicestershire Directory which parents can use to inform decisions about the right setting and provision for their child.
In addition, we have developed a SEND Padlet to support families in accessing resources online and from external agencies, dependent on the area of need for the child.
Our Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator is Mrs Goodger. If you have any concerns, questions or need any advice linked to SEND, please contact her via the school office on 0116 278 2424 or via email at office@fairfd.leics.sch.uk. Please note that Mrs Goodger works on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Fairfield strives to be an inclusive school engendering a sense of community and belonging through its:
The SENCo is the professional leader in the area of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and as such is responsible for:
Teachers are responsible for all children in their class. All staff are made aware of their responsibilities towards pupils with SEND and clear communication lines between teachers, support staff and specialist staff are established. A programme of staff development, to be included in the school development plan, is implemented for both support staff and class teachers.
A Parent's Guide to Support at Fairfield