The Fairfield PTA is organised by

Chair: Laura Dove
Vice Chair: Natasha Glover
Secretary: Jo Illston
Treasurer: Lisa Armstrong

Members: Laura Dove, Natasha Glover, Amy Deakin, Mark Tuckwell, Lisa Armstrong, Rebecca Lambert, Chetna Gosai Hundal and Georga Howsin 

If you would like to join us, please contact us at

Parent Partnership

What is the key aim?
The aim of the LPPA process is to help schools to build a sustainable framework of parental engagement that can continue to be built upon and developed after the award has been achieved. The LPPA process is interested in supporting schools to evaluate the impact of their work with parents and to enhance home school links.

What does LPPA stand for?
LPPA stands for the Leading Parent Partnership Award.

Mrs Harrison – Leader, Mrs Braithwaite (Head Teacher), Mrs Richards (Office), Mrs Phillips (Nursery Nurse), Mrs Martin – Eames (LSA/Parent of child in year 5), Mrs Sanders (Parent of child in year 3), Mrs Malik (Parent of child in year 3) and Mrs Britain (Playgroup).

Can you help?
The Leading Parent Partnership group want to help parents to have a voice. If you ever have any concerns or any positive feedback please talk to the LPPA members or write a letter addressed to the LPPA group. During our LPPA meeting we will discuss any feedback from parents and try and make any adjustments needed.

What projects have the LPPA group have been involved in?

Parking Concerns:
The LPPA group was concerned about parking around the school. We invited Mathew Lapidge (Community Support Officer) to give us advice. It was decided that a competition would take place for all children to design a parking slogan. I would like to thank everybody for your entries but congratulations to Jessica Potter (year 5) for the winning slogan. The LPPA group decided they wanted the children to design and make a newsletter, which would include the winning slogan. As a result three Community Support Officers came in and worked with Brooke, Jessica, Jermaine and Leo (year 5), from which a newsletter was created. This newsletter has now been given out to all parents. Please link below to have a look at the children’s hard work and the winning slogan. In addition the fencing around the school was looked at and over the summer a new fence has been placed around the school, which has helped to reduce some of the parking issues. We hope we continue to have your support on this matter to ensure we keep our children safe.

The LPPA group have been looking into ways we can help support communication between parents and school. The group decided that it would be beneficial to have a Home School Communication folder. This would include a section for parents to write any comments and have resources in it to help parents support their child at home. This folder is currently being made and will be given out to all parents before half-term. Please read the following document for more information on how the Home School Communication folder will work. We hope you find it useful.

LPPA Events
Family Learning – throughout the year for parents of pupils in the Foundation Stage. Family learning has recently been offered to all parents in the school.

Phonic support Area: This includes a video, resources and booklets with ideas on how you can support your child. Held on Monday 8th October between 5.30-8pm/Tuesday 9th October between 3.30-6pm/Thursday 11th October between 3.30-6pm during parents evenings.

Enrichment event: Come a join your child in a phonic (KS1) /vocabulary (KS2) lesson. Held on Thursday 18th October at 2-3pm.

Internet Safety Session: This included a PowerPoint explaining how we can ensure children are safe whilst using the Internet. Held on 11th and 12th December during KS1 performance.

Calculation support session: This included a number of support materials and an opportunity to look at ICT games and software you can use. Held on 19th February between 4.30pm - 8pm and Thursday 21st February between 3.30-6pm during parents evening.

Enrichment event: Come and join you child in a calculation lesson. Held on Wednesday 6th March.

Feedback from parents

  • 93 % of parents felt welcomed when they visited the school.
  • 82 % of parents felt that the home school communication folder helped them support their child’s learning.
  • 69 % of parents felt that the home school communication folder was a good method of communication between home and school.
  • Internet Safety Course – 82 % of parents felt they were better informed about Internet safety after presentation.
  • Family Learning – 100 % of parents strongly agreed that the programme was of a high quality. 100 % of parents strongly agreed that the programme supported their own learning and development. 100 % of parents strongly agreed that the programme enabled them to support their child with their learning and development.
  • Calculation Support Session – 95% of parents said they will use one of these ideas with their child at home.
  • Christmas Decoration Day held on 3rd December- 100 % parents enjoyed making Christmas decoration with their child.
  • Phonic and vocabulary enrichment event held on 18th October: 100 % of parents enjoyed working with their child on their phonics/vocabulary.
  • Guidance sheet for behaviour and attendance and punctuality policy: 95 % of parents felt that the policies are informative. 100 % of parents preferred the guidance sheet to original policy because it is was easy to read, free of jargon and included just the important messages.
    • Foundation Stage – Year 1 transition meeting: 100 % of parents found the transition meeting useful.
    • Year 2-3 transition meeting: 82 % of parents found the transition meeting useful.