Art Intent
We have taken the decision at Fairfield to teach Art & Design at Key Stage 1 and 2 as a distinct subject. Whilst we appreciate many schools approach art in a project or theme-based manner, our belief is that when art is taught as a distinct subject in a skills-based manner there is clearer progression and the teaching and learning is more rigorous. However, we also appreciate that art provides an excellent way to enrich the curriculum and link to other curriculum areas. In this manner, links to themes or projects can still be made, but from a position of far greater strength and understanding.
We have the advice of the organisation AccessArt and split our Art and Design curriculum in to 10 key areas.
That Art & Design is split into ten subject areas:
• Drawing
• Sketchbooks
• Printmaking
• Sculpture
• Design
• Painting
• Craft
• Textiles
• Multimedia
• Digital
At Fairfield, we want to raise expectations as to what pupils are capable of in the visual arts. This can happen in a very practical way: for example, through the introduction of a wider variety of materials from the outset, pupils can and do quickly build their understanding and skills. We try to encourage innovation, experimentation and risk. As outlined by AccessArt – “When schools work towards a predefined, prescribed outcome (i.e. in the case of a display) the understanding and learning of pupils can be compromised. It is important to recognises that work which looks great at first glance can often hide poor learning outcomes. Instead schools should work to create confident, independent artists who can articulate and value their own creative journeys. As a result, progression in this subject comes from revisiting different types of materials and mediums over the years and also through pupils continually refining their skills across the 10 subject areas outlined above.